CASE STUDYImage by freepik.comHomeowner NEWQUAYBoilerTechPos. Description1 Buffer tank 4 attacks with T probe2 Radiators3 Circulator generic - 3 wires4 HE kit below odu + drain pan5 DHW tank hhp 1-coil with T probe and anode6 System interface7 Light gateway8 Heating-dhw 3-way valve9 External unit hhp - Monobloc 1 -ph or 3-ph10 Kit valves and filter11 Kit anti-freeze12 Kit he idu fs 2 kw13 Lightbox14 Safety group15 Expansion vessel - DHW16 Expansion vessel - heating17 Thermostatic mixing valve18 External probe- This schematic has to be consideredas example of the system functionalityonly and does not replace design by aqualified technician;- The final schematic must be preparedrespecting all the laws, norms anddecrees in force, in order to facilitate acorrect installation in compliance withthe rule of the art;- For the proper functioning of all systemcomponents, follow the instructionsin the design, installation and usermanuals provided by the manufacturer;- This outline may be amended by theAriston Group at any time withoutprior notice.9411101816AABB813T15T12System Schematic15 146317A ABB7LIGHTGATEWAY2RADSDesigned by macrovector: www.freepik.comBringing true thermalcomfort to a Cornish barnconversion with a NIMBUSPocket heat pump.Ariston Partner BoilerTech hascompleted the installation of a NIMBUSair source heat pump at a Cornishproperty that suffered from years ofpoor heating performance with theprevious heat pump system.Project overviewThe 5 bedroom, barn conversion property islocated in the stunning area of Newquay, Cornwall.After suffering poor heating performance for around12 years with the previously installed heat pumpsystem, the homeowner decided it was time toinstall a new Ariston NIMBUS Pocket 150 air sourceheat pump. The Ariston ASHP was installed by longstandingAriston partner, BoilerTech. Covering thewhole of Cornwall, BoilerTech installs new heatingand hot water systems and has a team of highlyexperienced commercial heating engineers tocover a full range of repairs and maintenance.KEY DATAClient:Contractor:Sector:Project:Homeowner, Newquay, CornwallBoilerTechHousingYear: 2024Technology:Replace failing ASHP installationAir Source Heat PumpProduct: NIMBUS Pocket M NET R32 150Comment“This is our first installation of anAriston heat pump system. We wereextremely impressed with how easythe whole process was and thehomeowner was really pleased withthe final installation.”Andy Griffiths,Heating Engineer,BoilerTechAndy (L) - Dean (R)Featured product:NIMBUS Pocket M NET R32This new heat pump is a cuttingedgesolution for heating andcooling with high efficiency and lowenvironmental footprint. It’s designis the result of thorough consultationwith professionals and is characterisedby a number of innovative featuresthat make installation, set-up andmaintenance easier than ever.Nimbus NET R32 is available in a largechoice of configurations and sizes tomeet diverse installation needs.InstallationThe installation process involved the removal of the old ASHP,a rewiring of the system, set-up of zoning in the house and theinstallation of the new Ariston ASHP and associated controls. AndyGriffiths of BoilerTech commented “This is our first installation of anAriston heat pump system. We were extremely impressed with howeasy the whole process was and the homeowner was really pleasedwith the final installation.”Dean Reynolds from BoilerTech continued, “The family had evenconsidered replacing the existing heat pump with a gas boilerbecause they had suffered with years of poor performance from theoriginal system. However, with a complete overhaul of the wiring andzoning for the new heat pump, the homeowner is over the moon”/ Eco Refrigerant R32 / COP up to 5.1/ Low noise levels up to 53 dB(A)/ Power range between 1.7 to 17.7kW/ Modern and innovative design/ Sensys NET HD system interfaceand external heat regulation sensorincluded as standard/ Remote management with theAriston NET app/ Completely installable outdoor/ PV function| 1| 2