CASE STUDYClimate Innovation DistrictLEEDSEnhancing SustainableLiving in Leeds withHeat Pump TechnologyAriston U.K. has supplied CITU withthe first of many air source heat pumpwater heaters for a range of new buildproperties designed and built in linewith key passivhaus principles.Project overviewThe Climate Innovation District in Leeds isa transformational project as part of a newneighbourhood in the Hunslet Riverside areaof South Bank. It creates 955 family homes andapartments, alongside a multigenerational buildingincorporating a primary school, a care home anda nursery, offices, cafes, restaurants, and outdoorsports facilities. Being designed and built to keypassivhaus principles means these properties arevery well insulated and airtight. All the propertiesare also linked up to a site-wide photovoltaic(PV) installation, so all properties share in thegeneration of electricity on site.| 1KEY DATAClient:Sector:Project:CITUHousingYear: 2024Technology:Product:955 houses and apartmentsHeat pump water heatersNUOS Plus Wi-FiComment“The cylinder in the NUOS Plus Wif-Fi airsource heat pump is large enough to supporta family home, and the ventilation needs forit can coordinate with those needed for themechanical ventilation heat recovery system.We have installed these in several homesnow and they are fit for purpose so wewill continue to install them in the ClimateInnovation District.”Rachel Luffman,Head of DesignInstallationThe innovative NUOS Plus Wi-Fi water heaters will beinstalled in all of the larger residential properties. CITUuses a Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR)unit to keep the internal air fresh, but warm. The airsource heat pump (ASHP) in the NUOS Plus Wi-Fi isused to heat the integrated hot water cylinder for theproperty, so hot water for baths and showers is heatedusing the air outside, and boosted by electricity asrequired.What are the benefits?One of the key benefits in using Ariston’s NUOS PlusWi-Fi is the substantial reduction in carbon emissionsassociated with heat pump water heating technology.With the ASHP water heater operating on renewableenergy, it aligns with the commitment from Leeds tocombat climate change and create sustainable livingenvironments and showcases the viability of thistechnology in a real-world, sustainable living context.HOT WATER | HEATING | RENEWABLES | AIR CONDITIONINGCustomer Service: | 0333 240 8777Sales: | 0333 240 6666Featured product:NUOS PLUS WI-FIThe Nuos Plus Wi-Fiair source heat pump water heater is theideal solution for energy efficient hot waterrequirements with renewable technology. Itensures up to 80% energy saving comparedto traditional electric storage water heatersand allows for temperatures of up to 62°Cwith the most efficient COPin the market of up to 3.14./ A+ energy rating/ Optional smartphonecontrol via Ariston NET app/ Anti-legionella & antifreezingfunctions/ ‘Plug & Play’ - No F-Gasqualification needed/ Super silent at 51dBin silent mode/ Fully compliant withKIWA regulations| 2CS-AUK-NUOS-24-11